Sorry for the lack of posts lately. It’s not that I haven’t had a lot to write about, it’s just I’ve been travelling a lot for work and haven’t had time to collect my thoughts and put them into a word document. Also, Stranger Things. Have you watched that!?!?! If not, I recommend you do it now.
No spoilers!
Anyway! I digress.
As I mentioned in my digression (SORRY!) I’ve been on the road for most of July/August and haven’t had a lot of time to blog or, you know, plan the wedding. In the middle of last week I had a burst of inspiration, hunkered Peter down and we booked the flights for our honeymoon. Is it wedding related? Kinda. It’s been a while since I’ve had a vacation and, who doesn’t like planning a trip?
Except, choosing a location is a lot harder than you think. Europe? Would love to, but we want to honeymoon in the winter and Europe isn’t exactly a tropical paradise, especially in January. I thought Thailand would be pretty cool, but Peter vetoed it. He hasn’t travelled a lot, and wasn’t into such an exotic locale. Mexico or Aruba? All-inclusive vacays can be fun, but we were both looking for something with a bit adventure. Costa Rica? Peter was concerned about the language barrier. California? Not about that life (for a honeymoon, at least).
Ultimately, we decided on Hawaii. I found flights for $600 (tax and baggage included) using the site to Honolulu and we booked immediately. Friends that have visited the islands have warned that it can be expensive, but we’re determined to honeymoon on a budget. We’ll stay in Airbnb’s and use the Aeroplan Points I’ve collected throughout the summer for car rentals.
When I told my Mom we booked our flights she said, “I am so excited for you! I think this will be your very best trip. According to Elvis Presley, Hawaii was his favourite place, and he travelled all over the world.”
Did I fact check that? Hell no. But if it’s good enough for the King of Rock (according to my Mom) it’s good enough for me.