My party planning skills are slightly better than Dwight from The Office.
Have you ever noticed people get married in waves?
It's true. At least, in my experience it is.
In my late twenties a bunch of friends tied the knot, and now that we're over 30, there's a new crop (present company included) ready to walk down the aisle.
And even though we might be slightly older, that doesn't mean we're too mature to indulge in pre-wedding traditions (read: bachelorette parties).
I had the privilege to sit on the party planning committee for a friend who is tying the knot later this year. My advice to anyone that's planning a bachelorette? Learn to use Google Forms. You can throw together a quick survey to find out what activities people are interested in, and the best part? You can use Google Docs to compile your data. It's so much easier than weeding thru 20 emails.
Is that one of the nerdiest sentences ever written about a bachelorette party? Most definitely. Is that one of the dorkiest sentences that I've ever written? Probably not.
I'm someone who convinced a group of friends to go on a 'trial walk' in Vegas to see how long it would take us to get to the Chippendales performance later that day. I hate to be late -- especially if it involves anything Magic Mike-esq.
Seriously though, use Google Docs. It'll make your life so much easier.